All Military installations are starting to enforce the requirement that military ID
Lying about receiving a military medal is constitutionally protected, but there’s no right to carry the lie a step further by wearing a combat decoration that hasn’t been earned, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.
"Take your VFW Post back, one bar stool at a time." - Brian Duffy I am very proud of the above quote. All JVC take very serious notice that this is what I fully support.
WASHINGTON – In addition to the $300 million in Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program grant awards announced on August 11, 2014 serving 115,000 Veterans and their family members, today Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert
US Veteran Burial Benefits: New Changes
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is pleased to announce the development of the Medical Foster Home Program
In 1968, a friendly challenge to a game of pool was thrown out between VFW members from different parts of Michigan. Now, 56 years later, the VFW Michigan Pool League has attracted hundreds of veterans who compete annually.
Leadership from VFW Posts 4545 12082 have joined forces in raising funds to restore and preserve the piece of Michigan’s history that followed the 21st Infantry Regiment through eight Civil War battles.
VFW Department of Michigan Adjutant & Quartermaster Barry Walter attended the Washington D.C. Vietnam Memorial Dedication on November 13, 1982. Now, 76, Barry recalls being a 35-year-old VFW service officer, witnessing history for his generation of warriors.